We care, Cure and Secure

Dr.Sharan N.Kanthi is well known Homoeopath in northern part of Karnataka .

He is practicing since 15 yrs . In this 15 yrs vast experience he has treated wide variety of cases ranging from simple allergic rhinitis to cancerous cases .

He had a rich experience of being consultant in more than 6 districts and thus covering Karnataka state completely .

We help Cure

WHY Homoeopathy? we’re here to all your questions

Homoeopathy is a time tested scientific therapeutic  method …

Homoeopathy is established on 7 fundamental principles .

1.LAW OF SIMILIA  –  That means like cures like . Its a therapeutic system of symptom Similiarity.

2.LAW OF SIMPLEX – That means only one single simple medicine should be given at one time .

3.LAW OF MINIMUM -That means the given medicine should be so minute and minimum .

4.DOCTRINE OF DRUG PROVING – That means here the drug is proved on healthy human   beings   and  symptoms are collected . Those symptoms were matched with disease symptoms and then the medicine is given .

5.THEORY OF CHRONIC DISEASE—Homoeopathy believes Miasms are responsible for this and homoeopathy handles such diseases in its own style without any side effects and in very short course of treatment permanently .

6.THEORY OF VITAL FORCE Homoeopathy helps vital force  in getting free from artificial disease causing forces and thus cures the sick person from root .

7.DOCTRINE OF DRUG DYNAMISATION . In homoeopathy medicines are prepared from crude substances ; crude substances were subjected to dynamisation process where in the inert medicinal substances are brought out by trituration and succussion methods .

it will be obvious to take time and remove all suppressions made by previous treatments .

And one more reason for so called delayed cure / result is , homoeopathy aims at removing the disease permanently from root . hence it takes bit time to accomplish cure . …


There is no such medicine like steroids in homoeopathy … Infact Homoeopathy was borne by Sir Hahnemann  against the use of such medicines …

Homoeopathy medicines are very mild in nature and it wont interfere with any other system of medicines ; but yes , sometimes , homoeopathic medicine action will be altered by some of allopathic medicines

Unwanted aggravations will be avoided. In some cases where the patient approaches homoeopathy after some suppressive treatments, homoeopathic medicines will bring them to the surface before curing it. It is called Homoeopathic aggravation, and it will disappear in a very short time  in the course of treatment.